I will have to find out what to look out for with these new seedlings. The colours are quite attractive. This first picture is upside down. Must be an Australian pink.
The above photo shows the double referred to in the text at the bottom.
I had loads like the above. Hardly suprising as I used Melody and Gypsy a lot in the crosses.
The two photos above are of the same flower. A bit different but maybe not a show type.
Here is a pink that turns to white as it matures. You can see the three stages of very pink, blush pink(on the right) and white all on the same stem. I suspect this is no good for showing but it makes an interesting flower.
Again not a show type but an interesting colour combination.
Like the auriculas, breeding pinks is a new venture for me. Last year I crossed a few cultivars and have had some nice seedlings flower. They flowered a bit later than my standard show cultivars and like the auriculas there were quite a lot of also rans that looked almost identical. However, the odd one may turn out to be useful and the double one (Photo 2) was placed third out of 14 at Doncaster at the Yorkshire Carnation Society early show which is probably the best place in Britain to see pinks apart from Harrogate as Messrs Gamble, Potter and Willis are out in force and some other very good exhibitors attend this early July show.