Friday 3 October 2014

Yorkshire Carnation Society Early Show 20th July 2014

  So after Atherton on the Saturday, it was Doncaster on the Sunday. More borders than at Atherton but still not as good as some years as a lot of us had almost flowered out.
There were only two entries in the Championship class with Phil Cross coming first and Bill Stokes second. Phil's are on the right below.

In the vase of twelve, it was between Phil and myself. His 12 Alice Forbes Improved were first and my Welton White and Eudoxia Sport were second.

Bofield Emily was in evidence, and here's a nice vase of seven of them.

The vase below was the talking point of the show. Was it a border? Were they really PFs? Who cares. They had the most fabulous scent. Barrie Gamble has called this new cultivar Welton Kathleen Booker. It's the strongest clove I've ever met.

I was lucky enough to get first and second with my Lord Nuffields, one of which is below.

Billy Boy, bred by Bill Stokes, was on the table, looking good.

As was Crimson Comet:

In the white classes, the newer Welton White below put up a good fight against the older White Champagne.

Here's a single White Champagne. I fancy it's not so creamy as Welton White.

But here are three Welton Whites looking very white.

And here are three White Champagne.

Lucy always gets some admiring glances from the public, though we all know it's not a true picotee.

An enjoyable show in which Phil Cross came out top in the Borders section.

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